Imagination Imagination, free and wild, not just the purview of a child. Bend science, language, future, love; no branch of life may stand above. See what's not and wish it be. Once dreams to cross uncharted sea. Willing to be wrong, uncaring if one's right. Bravery and courage cross violence and might. Status quo will sell it short; establishment will blind. The highest valued virtue, leaves no thought left behind. We all enjoy the fruits of thought, measured in great tonnes of nought. That flitting thought may yet convey to save a thousand lives one day. And though it can't be true, it's said, no thought's too big for any head. It's possible to make a truth where none were there before; if only may your musings reach... that distant golden shore. Imagination, laughed at now, will shine in days to come. May born in depths of self-made hell, delivers kingdom-come. And what of souls who have the birch to thrash ideas through their search. Relentless faith, despondent fear, in naked truth, just standing there. Or skirting edge of precipice to see just how it works like this. Willing to be odd one out, alone, left to explore. Willing to expand the view, despite no hint of more. Creating hope in hopeless times, pushing through the lies. Stretching thought, exposing dreams, bedazzling our lives. © Sean G. O’Leary 2021